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Healthcare Computer Carts: The Most Essential Piece of Telehealth Technology

May 4th, 2021
Healthcare Computer Carts: The Most Essential Piece of Telehealth Technology

With the recent pandemic spreading, medical intervention is now more essential than ever. Facilities are now investing in telemedicine to ensure that everyone still has access to healthcare. With the help of telemedicine, the risk of spreading infectious diseases is lessened significantly.

Telemedicine greatly benefits in places where access to healthcare is a challenge, such as vast rural areas where necessities require great distances of travel. Telemedicine is less costly and requires little to no effort for both the patient and medical professional. The patient will not need to travel for miles to see a doctor, slashing off their travel time and costs to zero. They will also have instant access to healthcare. Additionally, patients who are only required for regular or routine check-ups will also save time, effort, and money to travel.

Because of these changes, the telehealth industry skyrocketed, and the market rate is expected to increase up to 40% by 2023. This increase is due to the pandemic requiring medical facilities to transition to telemedicine services for COVID-19 and other diseases. Facilities are still investing in more equipment as of today. It's proven to make staff more efficient and can help improve the quality of healthcare given to patients.

“How Powered Workstations Improve Efficiency With Patient Care”
“How Powered Workstations Improve Efficiency With Patient Care”

Among this telemedicine equipment are better workstations for nurses. On a regular day, nurses typically spend an average of three and a half hours entering information on a computer. Comfort, efficient peripherals, and a streamlined workflow are the main pillars of an ideal workstation on wheels for nurses.

A workstation on wheels includes all of the equipment and information a nurse may need to provide immediate care for the patient. Having the patient's information on a screen that's easy to read reduces interpretation errors for possible allergies, medications, conditions, and other vital information. Integrating the computer in a network system makes it available for the patient's doctor and other medical professionals, reducing the time and effort it takes to "hand down" files and other data.

If requested on a workstation, drawers additionally make routine rounds easier for nurses. Drawers provide ample storage and easy access to medical equipment when needed. The patient's medicine can also be stored and labeled in the drawers. Having a compact storage solution frees up the nurse's hand to focus on the patient's needs while keeping their equipment within reach.

Workstations on wheels make healthcare more efficient and convenient by enabling the nurse to move the workstation from one place to another. A mobile workstation lessens the likelihood of going back and forth to the nurse station to gather necessary supplies.

“Telehealth Product Line - Powered Workstations on Wheels”
“Telehealth Product Line - Powered Workstations on Wheels”

TouchPoint Medical takes into consideration the efficiency and safety of the nurses when it comes to their workstations. We've developed our workstations to give nurses optimal comfort and ergonomics, systemized workflow, and helpful peripherals to help them become efficient at providing healthcare to their patients.

There are currently four different workstations catered to your facility's needs:

  • Single Monitor Workstation on Wheels
  • Dual Monitor Workstation on Wheels
  • Laptop Workstation on Wheels
  • Telehealth Workstation on Wheels